When you were parched
with the needs of others
and I washed up thirsting
on your rocky beach, youlet me in. When I raged
against all fathers, all lovers,
all men who cast away their
women, you stayed, still anddeep as a mirror. When
you went down as far as
you could dive, beyond
love, beyond breathing,submerged in death and bloated
with all the drowning violence
of your own raging father, then
surfaced shouting at my door,I let you in. When I came
to you weeping, choking on
demands and accusations,
hearing only my own gasping
fear, you let me in. When
you came to me, sodden,
from another bar or another
woman, mouth full of seaweedand booze, I let you in.
If there are women who
ask how you can hold
to someone so breathless,so far from shore -- if there
are men who wonder how
I can swim in such cold, deep
water -- well, I say -- let them.