circles caused by changing parallels,
a different balance, in light-skinned
women, a range between (her pelvis must
reach) an idea of round lawn. walk
beneath allowed lilacs, glans of penis, bulb of
vestibule (four columnar trees.) intricate
planted rooms. a (woman) needs an
inventory of existing. the footpath
is covered (outer lips, inner lips.) a circle
of darker lawn dotted with (arched stone) white
water rushing next to the canal that touches
a different balance. (wetness, or dryness.)
a cropped meadow. forbs, cut short.
the boxy house, trees left too long, circles
from huddling. around the scrubby open
area (the areola may have) an arc outside.
trees will make the statement. saucer
magnolia, a circle on the plain. amend
the soil. merge like overlapping bubbles
moved along, wavelike (shaft of clitoris)
japanese cypress. border of dreams.
barrier as a response to cold. or touch
a different balance. leafy spread, bone
growth by growth, smaller than the left.
a relief. the future is reabsorbed after several
(circles of palms) reiterate its shape. as we
drew in, a spoonful of breast. the maturing.
most fullness. right. tremen-
dously. heavily. fully. (and is able.) pulled
up high into tall bamboo. a kind of
mucus, responsiveness. the closing.
this is also called conception.